bruna boner leo silva No Further um Mistério

I think what black people refer to as ‘passing’ is what white people call ‘being polite.’ In Louisiana (and perhaps elsewhere) it used to be called “high yellow.” That was a compliment. Some moved away and “became white” via subsequent marriage. It was said that the most beautiful women in the NO brothels were such. Many seem even now (biracial) to be very beautiful. Original French and Spanish settlers brought in few White females so with many slaves (and fewer racist compunctions from the Latin cultures) there was more mixing.

Seven or eight years ago I worked for a short time with a young black woman in her mid-20’s. She was lighter than most blacks, but given that blacks have a wide spectrum of skin color that wasn’t surprising.

If you are curious or interested in, nothing wrong; if you are obsessed with or consider it determines, defines your being, behavior & identity regardless of your personal sense of self, then – wrong.

I dunno. I was watching some revival of some piece written a hundred years ago, set in the English countryside.

Then the NYT reporter digresses to explain that she’s multiracial too — half German, half Chinese, and how that was very fraught in high school and she has to tell us all about it.

Angelina Jolie is a grotesque. Her preventative double mastectomy removed her best assets; her anorexia took care of the rest. She’s got cray-cray eyes. She looks like a starved, poisonous toad.

They lobbied and politicked for years for Federal tribal recognition. Once they got it they started building their casino, mostly with foreign money, from Malaysian gambling interests aka casino owners.

“Michael Scott” made the “exotic” remark as a kind of insider joke since Rashida’s status as Quincy Jones’ daughter was well known.

Anyway, as Hall is too old to be a “hot young actress” and Hollywood is selling out to wokist diversity quotas look for Hall to bilk this part-black thing to the moon and get a TV series or movie roles about it. Perhaps she can play the “first female DA” in some Wonder Years-esque TV series set in the South in the 60s, where she’s also secretly black and carrying on a torrid affair with the local head of the Klan. A girls gotta eat, you know.

It’s not really antebellum: one drop rules were adapted from the reconstruction period through the early 20th century. Was also followed in some places outside the South.

People on social media watch a trailer for go to these guys a movie about part-black women passing as white. Given the looks of the lead actresses, these folks doubt that Thompson or Negga could plausibly pass as white.

That “Don’t Stop” thingy from a few years earlier (not to be confused with Fleetwood Mac’s or Queen’s or Journey’s) was okay, but it’s 99% production and 1% song.

is a 1929 Harlem Renaissance novel by a part-Danish part-black lady whose husband was the second African-American physics Ph.D. It’s about two women of part-black ancestry, one of whom is married to a black doctor, one of whom is passing for white and is married to a rich white man.

Where in the English-speaking world does this happen? I can’t think of anywhere except Chicago’s Steppenwolf, and I don’t think they’ve had a real troupe for years. Maybe I’m wrong. I’m thinking of the Gary Sinise days.*

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